Women's Encounter Weekend
Myself, with Murun and Oyuna, both my G12 group members, at our pre-encounter party
Part of our incredible team
Just a few highlights from the W.E.W.:
- One woman who lost her baby to a tragic accident 2 years ago testified during the Encounter that God healed her of pain and guilt. She assured the women in attendance that God is a God who heals!
- One young girl blamed herself for many years for her parents' divorce. She was told by her grandfather that it was because of her that they divorced and subsequently abandoned her. During the encounter she came to see herself through God's eyes as the extremely valuable creation that she is. She was healed and has been able to forgive her parents.
- One woman who manifested demons was set free and her family restored. Her husband who had abandoned her returned 2 weeks after the encounter. Please join us in praying for his salvation.
God moved in many ways, some we are still finding out about. One thing is certain: when 2 or more gather in His name He never lets us down! He's always there, always powerful and always faithful!