Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Ulaan Baatar Christian Fellowship

Thank you for your prayers, as we continue to to make the twice monthly trips to UB to minister to the church and leaders in charge there. Last Sunday Melanie preached and as she was speaking, the electricity went out! She put down the microphone and finished her sermon in the darkness. I was so proud of her-- speaking in different language, in the dark with no mic!

During the service, people wept as she spoke about how one day all our tears would be wiped away when our Heavenly father calls us home. And how all our troubles have meaning in His perfect plan. Even though we do not understand His ways, we can rest assured that He loves us.
We are so happy to see that the UB church is recovering from the trials we went through last April. So many people left us during the split that followed. But those who remain are full of faith and are very encouraged. God is bringing new people into the fellowship and we are so blessed to see how God carried us through this. After all, Christian Fellowship is His Bride!

After the service we were able to spend some time in fellowship with Pastors Ganbold and Sheika and their families. As we talked we could see how God has been leading us and guiding us.

Please continue to pray for our safety on trips to and from UB. There are many dangers on the roads-- horses and cattle, cars with no lights at night, etc. We had several "close calls" this time but God is good!

God bless you and have a great week!