Wednesday, July 16, 2008

God's Ways Are Not Our Ways - They're Way Better!

Last Sunday we had the privilege of hosting a team from America. They had originally come with plans to hold a youth conference in Ulaan Baatar but with the rioting and state of emergency declared, the conference was canceled. We invited them to Darkhan and asked them to serve in our church and 2 other churches on Sunday. In the evening we hosted a united worship service where people from different churches in Darkhan and the American team all joined together in worship.

The leader of the team, Ron Boehme, President and Director of YWAM’s US Renewal Ministries in Washington ( blessed us by preaching at our 2 Sunday services and, again at the united worship service ( Hetee translated). We were very encouraged to hear a fresh message from God about His Word to the churches today.

The rest of the team blessed us by sharing their testimonies and singing a song.
Sadly, they did not have much time to spend in Darkhan before going back to UB and then moving on to China.

Everyone on the team was encouraged that even though their original plans got changed, there were still many opportunities to share and encourage the Mongolian believers during their trip. God was truly in charge and leading them every step of the way!